
I apologize that this picture does not do my alarm clock justice. It is summer and for the month of June the sun rises outside my bedroom window. It starts at as a very fine ribbon running along the tree tops on the far side of the river but it actually rises at 6:30 AM and climbs like a crimson ball of fire flooding my bedroom with a golden light that advances from the far side of my king size bed towards my side.
I was lying in bed this morning watching the sunrise thinking I can understand how ancient man worshiped the creation rather than the creator after all we all look for consistency in our lives and what is more consistent than sunrise? Ancient man put his faith in the fact that the sun would rise each day. Simple but very understandable.
It is funny how it quite clearly tell us in the bible that the earth is round and yet for many centuries people believed that the world was flat. It is also funny that the bible tells of evolution and yet many decry it as heresy. What the bible says if my memory serves me correct is that the earth brought forth according to its kind but God created modern man. Science tries in its futile way to disprove this but the truth remains it is so.
For those who still believe that this is not so let me give you an example. I was told as a child in school that man and the dinosaur did not live on the earth at the same time but that the dinosaur had become extinct before man evolved. If this was so and if fossil records are the foundation of "truth" then how was I able to stand years later as an adult beside a river near Glenrose Texas and look upon the footprint of a man and a dinosaur in the same stone at the same depth and at obviously created at the same time frame. Could the man have been hunting the dinosaur and planning to kill it? He was after all coming up from behind and I cannot imagine the dinosaur was running away from him.
So what does a hunter centuries ago have to do with my special alarm clock. Simple we know that stoneage man worshipped among other things the sun as did the Egyptians and other cultures after them. Were there perhaps people at those times who quietly thought to themselves that there has to be more to life than this?
Now is that not an important thought that leads mankind forward on his quest in search of the true creator of the universe. Each time we expand our wisdom and knowledge of reality along comes some skeptic who says there must be more to life than this and he or she is correct, there is and we call him God.
The microbes we find get ever smaller and the space we examine ever larger and yet still our brain still says there must be more to life than this. Belief in an all knowing supreme creator of the universe and all it contains spans many cultures and many centuries.
The most wondrous and beautiful thing in the universe is your soul dear reader. It surpasses your mind in wonderment. It is there and it believes. Why? Because it knows. You may tell it not to, you may tell it false truths through what you see, hear and experience but always at one point in your life between the beginning and the end you will have to listen to your conscience and accept or deny what your soul is trying to tell you.
You cannot see, hear, touch or smell God and yet you can quite easily believe in Him if you believe that there is more to life than this. My special alarm clock is so regular and accurate that I compare it against an electric one that sits by my bedside. It is completely accurate for thirty days. The sun then starts to move down river again as summer turns to fall and fall becomes winter. As it progresses it rises each morning visible from the living room and breakfast area till it finally reaches the kitchen window in winter ready to turn around and progress back up river again to provide me with my unique alarm clock again the following summer.
So what is all this saying? Simply this that if there is order on the earth and in the universe and there most certainly is then we do not have a series of random events or accidents. What brings order? Intelligence. And where does intelligence of such magnitude exhibit itself in ways that we can see but not fully comprehend. In unchanging universal laws. And so if there are universal laws then who created them?
Our soul calls Him God because from the beginning to the end of its journey here on earth it (our soul)experiences Him in ways that our natural senses cannot or rather are not equipped to and because we know that our soul is real and know that we all have one (even people who do wicked things) we then believe in some form of higher power and belief is the first act of faith leading to trust. What your faith leads you to put your trust in says a lot about you as a person. People pray to God as an act of faith but also as an outward acknowledgement that they are listening to their soul. They are saying to God my soul tells me that I can trust you.
I sincerely hope that you put your trust in God today because if you do not then you are not in harmony with your soul and that robs you of success and happiness. And as the bible says God wants to bless all who believe in Him and seek after Him.
God bless you and yours today.
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