Saturday, September 08, 2007


If you were to ask me to define prayer I could not. It is not that I do not have a good command of the English language it is just that such a simple subject has had books written about it and many sermons preached since the dawn of mankind by much smarter minds than mine.

When did the first man call upon the God? According to the bible it was during the generation of E'-nos which was just over 235 years after the creation of mankind. Now if a thousand years is like a day to God then 235 years was on the morning of the first day and so we know that man prayed to God from the very beginning of recorded time. And yet there are those today trying to eliminate prayer from public schools and from public places by trying to change the law through favorable judges or by humiliating politicians into creating such laws claiming the founding fathers decreed separation of church and state in the constitution which they did not. They did though decree freedom of religion and religious thought, which these same people seem to decry and hate.

Many of the founding fathers were church going people and the very man the prayer haters quote as justification for their creed was indeed a devout follower of Christ who would be shocked at how his thoughts and beliefs were being taken in vain and one letter to a friend used out of context to defile a whole nation that he loved.

In the time of Daniel evil men also tried to stop prayer to God also to no avail and so it will be today and in the future. I heard one gentleman on TV today say that everyone could think of evil deeds done in the name of religion but few if any could think of any good. He was a self proclaimed atheist and many who called in offered him support. Needless to say this remark may make a good sound bite but I am not aware of atheists rushing to help others in need of aid the same way as many church groups do. And along with food, shelter and blankets they bring their prayers.

Prayer is a special thing between you and God and how you speak to Him is up to you. All He asks you to do is to pray to and worship Him.


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