Friday, May 19, 2006

DaVinci Code

The secret is thank goodness Dan Brown lacks imagination and has either a poor travel agent or does not know how to use the Florence telephone directory.

Let's start at the beginning folks the book is fictional as in made up. The places such as Rosylnn chapel are real. I know because I was born just short drive from Edinburgh. The book has a mediocre ending. The hero offers to take his lady to Florence, Italy and promises to stay at the Brunelleshi hotel. Not a bad hotel and you should encourage all your friends and those Hollywood types to stay there except Oprah of course as we don't mind her because we know that she can keep the real secret of true romance. Its called ambiance.

We also know that God turns evil into good and yours truly stayed almost a month at the Brunelleschi when they stopped the planes from flying to the USA after 9/11. It is a nice hotel but nothing great and cetainly not romantic. If you want an easy way to find it just follow the tourist signs for Dante's house but instead of turning right turn left at the little shoe store and go up the narrow alley and you are there. Have your picture taken outside to fool your friends and keep our secret.

So what is the true secret? Why do I say Mr. Brown lacks imagination? Well if I wanted to impress a lady I would not take her to the Brunelleshi nor would I finish my book there. Where would I go? Now remember this is the true secret and if you tell I will know. How will I know because it is where I go and those of you with a sense of style, grace and elegance combined with a wicked sense of humor know it is the hotel Monna Lisa. Ah I see that the intelligent ones among you noticed the double "n". Hey we are talking codes here! We have to hide it from those who search on MSN rather than Google.

OK now no rushing around the Net looking for pictures. I have attached one for you after this humble scribble. Just think how ironic to pick a hotel at the end of the book the same name as DaVinci's famous painting. A hotel which used to be a palace where the Eastern Emperor from Constantinople stayed when he visited the pope in Florence in 1439. A hotel which has an extra letter in it to keep the California hip crowd away. We all know that only Jay Lenno can spell in california but we credit that to his mother who was after all from Dumbarton but I share yet another secret.

Are we ready for the picture? Remember the promise no sharing with the Brown brigade. Only romantic bloggers wishing to have a cherished memory allowed . . .

Go back to the top of the page the picture on the left is not inside the Brunelleshi it is inside the Monna Lisa!


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