Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A peek in the diary of today 5/16/06

I spoke with my prayer partner today about my blog and asked for some feedback. His comment was well it only scratches the surface but it is a start. When I asked why? His response was you are a very complex person and biblical finance and poetry are but very small parts of your character and persona.

Persona ?. . . . . Well that word we will have to come back to later when I have given it more thought :)

My prayer partner has had a positive influence in my life. He told me during our first conversation that he "talked with God" that got my attention because he did not say he "talked to God". I can't say what my original thoughts were on hearing this (he may read this) but his conviction and sincereity made me want to hear more and though we are of different denominations we are of one faith.

That first conversation was about ten years ago and we have prayed together almost five days a week for most of those years. We pray for the sick, for those in need and over a variety of different subjects and things. Now if the praise reports are anything to go by we have more than a few success stories to tell but as none of the success is ours and it all belongs to God we never need say a word.

I believe that we are all a product not only of our family but of the people we meet along the way. You know the kind people who give you pearls of wisdom or share little stories from their lives in the hope that we will learn from them and their success or failure. People who for no apparent reason adopt you as their stray of the month and help you through a bad patch with words of encouragement and belief in you and your future success. Like the lady who wrote the words to the song "Back on my feet again" that Michael Bolton kindly sang on the radio for only me when I was at the bottom. Well there was a deeper bottom than that one time before but when you are a child you can only watch and pray and trust in God and your remaining parent.

So today if after you read this I hope that you may stop and think. Was I a positive influence today? Did I inspire someone? Did I share a smile? Did I pass on a kind word or did you say "have a wondeful day" to someone perhaps a child who just said to you my dog was run over by an automobile? This happened to my daughter some time ago in a well known chain resturant in Texas where I had taken her to "cheer her up". So please listen to a child carefully when he or she tells you something. It is very important to them.

My prayer partner is that kind of man he listens. I call Him Sir Afton the Elder Knight. I have not decided yet whether to post the 19 Knights of Foreverland poems on this blog yet. But as a tribute to my dear friend I will post one.

Sir Afton’s Third Lesson

I was a squire once and this story must be told,
Sir Afton he was young then and not quite so old,
I had neither bravery nor strength of arm,
I had not won the Lists, or wore a ladies charm.

A man I met many years ago he was so kind,
Two gifts he gave to me I always keep in mind,
He gave me precious moments taken from his time,
And a son he had who became a friend of mine.

We met on another day was it June or was it May?
Strange dear squire for I can no longer say,
Men in chains and bondage he taught to pray,
Prisoners of man to God he brought each day.

I was younger then in life and in the Lord,
I had barely just taken up the sword,
My friend he was ahead of me,
Though not to far that him I could not see.

Inspiration came one night from the Lord,
My friend he was used by my God,
The road was rocky the path was strewn,
Boulders and obstacles from the hill were hewn.

I followed the way for up the path,
I saw a man who at the last,
Was used by God to bring men home,
To sit around Lord Jesus throne.

I teach you all this day,
As he did others how to pray,
I am the elder knight it’s true,
But in the past I was young like you.

I share with you my inspiration,
That comes your day of decision,
This tale may come to mind,
Of a man who is a friend of mine.


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