Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I have often wondered if I was born in a different place and time would I praise God. The answer to me is yes because He reveals himself to us through His son Jesus Christ. What if I had never read or heard the gospel? Would I worship some idol made of stone or wood? The answer to me is no. Why? Deep inside each and everyone is a feeling. One they cannot really explain. They simply know that there is a supreme being. We are not here by accident.

Somewhere in mankind is this desire to worship and to praise that which they worship. Sadly many try to turn off this feeling or hide from it but it is still there. The fool in his heart has said there is no God but there is and when the fool has left this earth as all fools do God still remains.

Praise I give to God freely. Freely I thank Him in prayer and wonder at all the beauty that I see on this earth that surrounds me. Yes I see mans inhumanity to man but it is mans and not Gods. Even then good survives amidst the evil and this too will pass as scripture says for only God is alive forever.

Many ask for assistance to spread the gospel and I remember that Jesus said to His disciples take nothing with you no money, no extra clothes etc. I also remember Peter's warning that some will make merchandise out of you. It is hard not to become cynical. Then as I travel each night before final prayer I read the bible. A bible quietly put in my hotel room by some unseen member of the Gideons. It is a free copy of the bible sometimes in more than one language and I remember some are still faithful. It is a comforting thought that there are people out there dedicated to spreading the Word. I like to think of it as silent praise. And my prayer tonight is that God bless all those who are Gideon members who quietly praise Him by spreading the gospel as commanded by His son.

May God who sees in secret reward them openly.


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