Sunday, January 14, 2007

God or no God

Two men are standing outside in the open country on a clear moonlit night. One is an atheist and one a believer in God. One looks up at the stars and thinks how boring, same thing every night. The other asks the question how did they get there? How do they stay there? What makes them shine? Why is there daylight and darkness? Why though I cannot see, smell, touch or hear do I believe that I feel the presence of a supreme being?

He asks his friend "Do you think that God created all this?"
His friend replies "No science did".
"Yes science." The atheist replies.
"Why not God?"
"I don't believe there is a God." The atheist stated.
"Hm please explain science and how it relates to how all this began" his friend asked.
"Well there are fundamental laws and then there are theories" the first man explains.
"What is the difference?" the second asks.
"Well you can explain a theory and you can demonstrate a law. A law never changes but a theory may change as more scientific evidence becomes available".
"I see but Darwinism is only a theory so why do people treat it like it was a law?"
"Well because you have to treat that theory like a law to get rid of that book you read called the bible."
"Because Darwinism is used to discredit creation and if you discredit creation then you can say that the bible is not infallible and then you may in turn discredit its laws and commandments that we don't like."
"OK. Let us carry on with our discussion. I understand that at one time there were three theories called the big bang, steady state and creation."
"Yes but creation is in the bible and so you cannot use it."
"But I understood that only the constant state theory has been disproved by science and it is not in the bible and even if you still believe in the big bang theory you have to ask what caused the big bang."
"Well yes but science says that all matter came together, exploded, goes out and will eventually come in again and create another explosion."
"So what you are saying is that matter cannot be destroyed it merely changes state?"
"But if it cannot be destroyed then it cannot be created either. It merely continuously changes state."
"Correct." His friend replied.
"Then where did matter come from?"
"I don't know." his friend replied "No one does though we do know some of its various constituents."
"Hm lets see . . . in the beginning was something before matter . . . may we use the term God?"
"Only for the sake of discussion."
"Yes of course."
"So we agree in the beginning was God and all things were created by God."
"You are trying to trick me!"
"No I am simply using logic. In the beginning was God and matter was created by God. Therefore if God is the creator of matter and as all things are made of matter then He is the creator of all things . . . is that not what it says in the bible?"
"You are trying to trick me again!"
"No. Please answer my question."
"Yes that is what the bible says."
"Then the bible must tell the truth and therefore creation is a truth."
"We are not using the bible and so I am not going to allow creation. It is a doctrine and not a law or a theory."
"If you dictate the big bang theory and exclude creation are you not making it a doctrine?"
"Well you could argue that."
"The bible says that the earth is round?"
"Yes . . . but for many years man believed that the earth was flat and persecuted those who said that it was round."
"You cannot hold God responsible for the stupidity of man."
"If there is a God."
"Lets recap. You agree that in the beginning was some creative force that we have agreed to call God."
"And so you agree that in the beginning was God and all things were created by God."
"Yes philosophically."
"Well thank you."
"For what?"
"Believing in God."

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Robin

The robin came and sat upon a stone,
He looked at me and I felt terribly alone,
My hand I put upon the grave,
Of the two who to life and love me gave.

The robin had eyes so clear and bright,
As to the side it's head it bent,
No sound did it make for it was not afraid,
It simply looked at me and asked me why.

I looked back at it underneath the cold grey Scottish sky,
Feeling the warm heart neath its bright red plume,
I saw more than just a robin that afternoon,
It was like a little messenger from our God.

It looked at me with ease,
As for a second dropped that cold cold breeze,
It came closer yet to me,
As if to ask me do you truly see?

I looked on it with clarity of thought,
As to me a simple message it brought,
Knowing one day I too will lie in that spot,
Beneath my feet within that same plot.

Till then this alone I know,
Walking on with God I will go,
Trusting in His beloved son,
The one who to earth did come.

To save a man like me and to set me free,
To teach me God alone lets you breathe,
And under the green earthen sod,
Lie the souls returned to God.