Sunday, September 30, 2007


Socrates. What do I know about Socrates? Precious little I am ashamed to say. Yes I know that he was an ancient Greek philosopher credited with laying the foundation of Western philosophy. I think he lived between 469 and 339 B.C.

Now being a little bit of a philosopher myself lets discuss the term B.C. which stands for Before Christ. This makes sense to me as Jesus Christ has had the biggest impact on mankind since the beginning of time or creation. I will come back to creation at a later date. Though many do not like to admit it the largest body of people on planet earth today call or refer to themselves as Christians. No other religion comes close in numbers to the world-wide population of Christians.

My discussion point is what the heck does the term B.C.E. stand for? I have heard the wimpy history channel introduce this politically correct term for a minority of I assume idiots but what does it mean. I know that it is an acronym for before common era (bce) but no one I know of can explain, describe or tell me what the common era is. Everyone can tell me that B.C. means Before Christ and everyone can explain it.

Now in ancient Greece we had Socrates followed by Plato (somewhere between 427 and 347 B.C.) followed by Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) It is generally thought that each was a teacher to the next in line. Everyone of course knows Aristotle was the teacher to Alexander the Great. He even gets a bit part in all of the Hollywood movies. Your not so friendly history channel is being used by atheists to teach the next generation to forget the term Before Christ. Hollywood strikes again. I wonder when they get to taking even bit parts away from Jesus?

Now as an amateur philosopher I have to hold up the tradition of these three wise men, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. So I will explain to you what the term common era means. It means taking Jesus Christ out of history. You see the term common era is also referred to as the current era or Christian Era. In other words these morons use the Gregorian calendar as year 1. Why? Well first of all the entire world uses this Christian calendar and second they have no other significant point in history to select from. They are on course to what they consider a subtle means to train the next generation of children into being atheists. Similarly the term C.E. or as I prefer ce replaces Anno Domini or A.D with the term common era. For those too young to have been taught, Anno Domini means the year of our Lord as in Lord Jesus Christ.

Though their numbering system remains the same bce/ce replaces B.C./A.D. which means replacing any reference to Jesus Christ. These pagans even have the affront to say that Christians should use these new acronyms to be sensitive to non-Christians and that it is politically correct to do so. They point out that it has been adopted by many non-Christians in other words a small minority of the worlds population. Why would they wish this? Could it simply be that these politically correct people hate both Christians and the Christian doctrine?

Why do they hate Jesus and His followers? Simple really they hate His teachings because they are contained in the most published book in history namely the bible. Now why would anyone hate the bible to such a degree that they try to take it out of schools, universities and the courts? You tell me but could it have to do with promiscuity and lifestyle? Could it be to do with morale judgement and acceptable ethics? Could it be the elimination of a higher code of conduct? Could it be that the bible stands between them and their final objective and if so what is that final objective?

The bible itself is split into two sections called the Old and New Testaments which really mean B.C and A.D. I hope that you see the connection here folks. By attacking your historical calendar they are in effect attacking the bible as well as placing a slur on our Lord Jesus Christ. Is this intentional? You bet your life it is. Now talking of life. Why is it wrong to teach children that thou shalt not kill? Why is it wrong to teach children thou shalt not steal? Oops I am headed towards the ten commandments.

OK back to Socrates. No one tries to edit or eliminate his teachings or remove his writing or philosophy from universities so why the big barrier at the door for Jesus Christ? Why the change from BC/AD? What are they up to? What are they trying to achieve? Simple. They think that by eliminating all reference to Jesus Christ they remove any need for the bible and just as in antiquity they used to chisel names, dates and events from off of monuments and memorials and burn and destroy books to distort history they are trying to do the same. Again I ask why?

This may floor you but the words are simple, profound and true. Jesus said when you pray say this . . . Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done; On earth as it is in heaven. Lots of people miss this point but not the atheists. God wishes for His kingdom to come to earth. Now ask yourself who is misleading these fools and encouraging them in their efforts, could it be the architect of misinformation more commonly called the father of lies?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Great American Dies

I was fortunate today to stumble upon a TV channel I do not normally watch which broadcast the funeral service of Dr. James Kennedy from his church in Florida though as the founder of Amway so rightly said it may have been referred to locally as "Kennedy's church" but the pastor who led it always knew and referred to it as Jesus church.

There may have been some famous people in the audience though I did not see any. Just people sad yet glad that they knew this fine Presbyterian minister. I never met him myself though like many I am sure knew him and his preaching of God's word through the Coral Ridge church's television ministry. He was without doubt one that America should be proud to call her son.

Dr. Kennedy was a man passionate about religious freedom. He was also passionate about America and can rightly be described as a patriot. Sad that a country that has produced so many great patriots in the past now produces so few men that may be described as modern day patriots. Dr. Kennedy stood up against the theory of Darwinism which many treat wrongly as a universal law though perhaps man made religion would be a better descriptive term. He lived to spread the gospel. He took seriously Jesus charge in Mark 15 to "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

Now I don't know much but I do know that perhaps Allan Jackson summed it up best when he sang " I'm just a simple man but I know Jesus and I talk to God." Well tonight this simple man thinks that up there in heaven is a man named James Kennedy who heard the words "Well done good and faithful servant."

And I pray that here on earth his wife and daughter heard all of heaven say Amen!

Saturday, September 08, 2007


If you were to ask me to define prayer I could not. It is not that I do not have a good command of the English language it is just that such a simple subject has had books written about it and many sermons preached since the dawn of mankind by much smarter minds than mine.

When did the first man call upon the God? According to the bible it was during the generation of E'-nos which was just over 235 years after the creation of mankind. Now if a thousand years is like a day to God then 235 years was on the morning of the first day and so we know that man prayed to God from the very beginning of recorded time. And yet there are those today trying to eliminate prayer from public schools and from public places by trying to change the law through favorable judges or by humiliating politicians into creating such laws claiming the founding fathers decreed separation of church and state in the constitution which they did not. They did though decree freedom of religion and religious thought, which these same people seem to decry and hate.

Many of the founding fathers were church going people and the very man the prayer haters quote as justification for their creed was indeed a devout follower of Christ who would be shocked at how his thoughts and beliefs were being taken in vain and one letter to a friend used out of context to defile a whole nation that he loved.

In the time of Daniel evil men also tried to stop prayer to God also to no avail and so it will be today and in the future. I heard one gentleman on TV today say that everyone could think of evil deeds done in the name of religion but few if any could think of any good. He was a self proclaimed atheist and many who called in offered him support. Needless to say this remark may make a good sound bite but I am not aware of atheists rushing to help others in need of aid the same way as many church groups do. And along with food, shelter and blankets they bring their prayers.

Prayer is a special thing between you and God and how you speak to Him is up to you. All He asks you to do is to pray to and worship Him.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Thoughts in the Moonlight

The pink half moon hung on the black night like a sad heart crying out to the universe for my lost love. Why pink and not yellow? Why ask? I am one with the universal law now and so it too cries at my loss. Perhaps as I drive through the tall pine trees breaking the ever closing dark shadows they thrust across the road with my cars headlights it will change to yellow before I get home but alas no pink it remains. Broken in two it stains the night. One half hidden from sight the other in plain view for all the world to see.

There in the night sky is all I am feeling inside. My broken heart bleeds for a memory of the past. A memory of a love now gone, never to return, never to be recaptured. Only the memories remain both good and bad. And yet in my misery I know that the moon will renew again. It will once more become yellow and it will once more become whole. Then like a heart filled with the golden promises of kindness, caring and dare I say love become one again and shine its golden light upon this beautiful earth upon which I stand but for a moment in universal time.

Guardian of the night sky placed there by our Lord. Generations of man you have seen come and go and for how many did you reveal your pink heart? I am sure too many both men and women have looked upon you and thought there hangs my open broken heart. Did they too realize they are children of the universe? That only through pain and loss we may know the joy of a shared love now gone.

Yet in this reflection of me I see You and your gift of understanding. Tomorrow the sun will rise and with it Your promise renewed. Morning glory sung of in praise and captured by the Masters in paint and canvass yet truly no one can capture the rapture of dawn in all its glory though many have tried through the centuries of man.

Under this pink moon I stand now by the shore of the river as the black ink devoid of moonlight runs by my feet. I apologize for a moment of doubt and offer my humble prayer. And as if in answer a solitary star appears then another and another and as my heart soars towards renewed faith in the future and what is to come I see a moonbeam. A single streak of yellow gold that touches the path to lead me home. The pink moon is gone now and in its place hope renewed as sure as tomorrows sun.