Thursday, January 08, 2009


I don't know what you did today but did you take time to pray? Just a few minutes or just a few seconds to say whatever you wanted or needed to say. Just a little time to recognize God. To say to Him I need you in my life or thank you for being there for me or I know I can make it through only with you.

Many people don't realize how important prayer is. It calms your spirit. It heals a broken soul. It lifts your attitude and stills your heart as it brings you together in thought and mind and spirit to a place of tranquility. A few minutes or less is all it takes and yet fewer than those who needed to prayed today. I find this sad. Angels do exist you know but they do not leave heaven till first your prayer leaves the earth. No they do not have wings. Of all the angels described in the bible none of them are described as having wings.

I have never met or seen one myself nor met anyone who has. Yet from reading scripture it would seem that when they appear their glory shines all around them and this light brings fear into mankind. Why are men and women scared of the light? Is it because of their natural sinful nature that they prefer the dark or is it simple ignorance? Is it the sudden realization that they (angels) are real which means that the scriptures are too which mean also the prophets and Jesus Christ are also real and as it says in Proverbs the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom?

I don't know but one thing I do know for my mother taught me and everyone knows what your mother taught you is the gospel truth and carries you through this life. She simply gave to me one of many scriptures namely in all thy ways acknowledge God and He will direct your footsteps.

Today no matter what you are doing and no matter how busy you are take a few moments to pray and say thank you for getting me through today. Acknowledge Him and ask Him to direct your footsteps. I promise you you will find a better, brighter path and your footsteps will lead you to your inner hearts desires. Above all at the end of that path, be it straight or winding, long or short, high or low, bumpy or smooth, narrow or wide you will find a gate and yes I believe you will find angels at that gate and once if you believe you have entered in you will hear these words, well done good and faithful servant.

Now I ask you is that not what we all wish to hear and if so does not God wish to hear us praise Him from our hearts and voices whether in silent prayer or with a loud voice. Remember He is God of the universe, Creator of all things and above all in love with you. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son.

Today I ask you friend take a moment to pray and remember what you ask for will be given if it is God's will and you should rejoice on the thought that His will is perfect. In closing let me say this. Today and every day you pray is a good day. Be not afraid to say God please send an angel my way and remember this, faith is only rewarded when it is put into action. I hope and pray that you will try it and see its fruits throughout the rest of your life.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Thoughts of a Father

Two of my dear friends have suffered the pain of burying their sons and I thank God it is a pain I have not shared. My heart goes out to the Travolta family and to Mr. Travolta as a fellow father. God in His wisdom knows all things and we do not. All we know is that to be absent from the body is to be present with God and that if we believe we will see our loved ones again on the other side. I think in times like this that is all we need to know and cling to. I pray that God sends the comforter to this family in their time of need.

My son you are gone and I know not the reason why?
My heart and soul for you they both do cry,
And though through the tears I remember the years,
I still ask dear God why, why, why?

You are in heaven now and though this I know,
The loss of your smile it hurts me here below,
The last hug, kiss and I love you to me you gave,
Are cherished memories I will carry to my grave.

No words of comfort have I found,
In misery and tears I fear I may drown,
No thoughts have saved me from this pain,
Except this one in heaven we will meet again.